Evolution of EU regulations and global economic strategies

The MC4 project aims at finding short term and long-term solutions for carbon and glass fibre composites recycling. One of the final goals is to produce our own feedstock of glass and carbon fibres. Indeed, the recycled fibres will become the new raw materials for future development of composite materials in Europe. Furthermore, becoming independent… Continue reading Evolution of EU regulations and global economic strategies

EIP Newsletter “Europa & Internationales im Fokus”

Here is a link to the EIP Newsletter: https://archive.newsletter2go.com/?n2g=gnym08rb-k39a0137-633 “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible… Continue reading EIP Newsletter “Europa & Internationales im Fokus”

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Carbon fibres composites chemical recycling (Gaiker)

Gaiker Technological Center one of the MC4 project partners is currently doing tests for the chemical recycling of the carbon fibre composites. The process corresponds to a solvolyse which is the long term solution for the recycling of these fibres. This method will allow to obtain the fibres and reuse them as fabric or nonwoven… Continue reading Carbon fibres composites chemical recycling (Gaiker)