Following the post about the chemical recycling process developed by Gaiker, an article was published in the Asociación Española de Materiales Compuestos (AEMAC) about the solvolysis of carbon fibre reinforced composites (CFRP) under mild conditions which is the Gaiker technique.
Mechanical recycling is the recycling technique that comes to mind when talking about CFRP. A solvolysis technique for CFRPs with amine- hardened epoxy resins has been developed by Gaiker.
The process uses low pressure, temperatures below 200°C and industrially adequate reaction times that is capable of treating real CFRP waste and recovering good quality fibres. The solvolysis reaction developed involves the combination of suitable layering agents with a solvent-catalyst system to optimise reaction times in a single step.

In the article, the samples, equipments, process and results are shown and explained. The effects of the chosen experimental conditions are also dealt with.
Here is the link to the full article on the AEMAC web page:
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