Don’t miss us at JEC World 2024! We are thrilled to announce that some of the MC4 project partners will be present at JEC World next week from the 5th to the 7th March! It will be an occasion to  present what has been achieved in the first half of the project and showcase the first results for the recycling of glass and carbon fibre composites..

It is the occasion to meet the MC4 partners in person next week: PROFACTOR (Booth 6J100), CHOMARAT (Booth 5H58), Managing Composites (Booth 6N04-9), FIDAMC (Booth H6H108), STFI (Booth 5D107), CEA-Liten (Booth 5E98), 3B-the fibreglass company (Booth 5D49) and Techtera (Booth 5E98).

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