Efficient, Lightweight, sustainable advanced materials – Supporting EU industries to meet the Green Deal targets

New advanced lightweight materials

The demand for advanced materials is growing but the problem of critical raw materials is increasing day after day. More and more critical raw materials need to be replaced because there are fewer and fewer of them, but also because most of them are not produced or available in Europe. This first leads to a rethinking of the way we manufacture high performance products in Europe. Moreover, it explains why the development of new efficient, lightweight, and sustainable advanced materials is at the heart of many projects these days. Those new materials are meant to be circular, which reduces the product’s CO2 emission and energy usage while maintaining very good properties. These positive impacts are aligned with the green deal and will help to achieve a circular economy and net zero future. 

Hadea’s workshop

On June 6th, the MC4 project partners Profactor, Techtera, Noma, Amura, and i-Red were present at the “Efficient, Lightweight, sustainable advanced materials – Supporting EU industries to meet the Green Deal targets » event at the European commission. This workshop organized by HADEA was an opportunity to present the MC4 project to other European consortia working on similar topics. The main goals were to  

  • Inform industry stakeholders on the latest research actions and results in the field; 
  • Facilitate a dialog between the research community and industry to discern industry needs and future strategies;  
  • Align research & innovation priorities with forthcoming investments in the EU. 

The main themes for the day were the recycling of lightweight polymer composite materials, lightweight dissimilar material components and structures through additive manufacturing and sustainable lightweight materials. To illustrate these topics, 13 projects were presented from their origins to their current state. It was an opportunity to see what was being done differently on projects similar to MC4.  

Recycling, reusing, repurposing, eco-designing, using alternative and renewable raw materials are among the solutions explored in current European research and development collaborative partnerships. There is still a lot to be done but this event highlighted the fact that  promising innovative solutions are being developed which gave hope for the future of efficient, lightweight and sustainable advanced materials.  


Follow this link if you want to know more about the MC4 project: News and events – MC4 Project (mc4-project.eu)

Follow think link to check the MC4 project Linkedin page: (5) MC4 Project : Présentation | LinkedIn

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